
Maxim is arguably the most experienced and skilled tax practice in the region. We provide specialised taxation services and advice for individuals, partnerships, joint ventures, trusts, companies and superannuation funds. We help our clients navigate through the intricate and complex taxation legislation and how it applies to the business issues they face. We are your trusted tax advisor working in partnership across all of your tax requirements.

Maxim is known for our extensive corporate taxation experience and providing sound taxation advice in relation to;

  • Complex payroll tax issues surrounding related parties;
  • Complex GST issues especially in relation to the property industry
  • Complex revenue vs capital account on the disposal of real property
  • Complex stamp duty advice
  • Structuring to ensure optimal asset protection and income tax management
  • Complex revenue vs capital gains tax on disposal of property
  • Related party loans and their management
  • Optimal dividend payment strategies
  • Representing clients on complex ATO audits
  • Business structuring advice including acquisitions, mergers and disposals
  • Structuring the division of family law assets to ensure minimal tax paid
  • Superannuation structuring and contribution plans
  • International tax
  • Transfer pricing
  • Thin capitalisation
  • Tax consolidation for wholly owned groups
  • Preparation of income tax ruling requests

In addition to our specialist taxation services listed above, our core taxation services include;

  • Preparation and lodgment of income tax returns
  • Preparation and lodgment of monthly/quarterly/annual business activity statements
  • Preparation and lodgment of fringe benefits tax returns
  • Preparation and lodgment of payroll tax returns
  • Capital gains tax advice and calculations
  • Tax planning and assisting clients to have a clear understanding of their future tax commitments